Tag Archives: python

Rewriting LazyWP: Lessons from the First Overhaul

A couple of weeks ago, I embarked on a journey to develop LazyWP, a tool that leverages curses and Python to create a terminal user interface for WordPress users. As any developer knows, the first iteration of a software project … Continue reading

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# universum tonal – .wav

Coming back to my image to midi experiment I wanted to go a step further because I see several flaws with this midi-stuff. It’s neat to have midi files with what you can play with but there are flaws in my script. First of all there is the loss of information. A pixel on the y-axis with a fixed x value with identical properties of another pixel on the same axis will be ignored with my script. I don’t like this but with the limited capabilities of midi-files I am bound to certain decisions. Looking at the wave format I can do a lot more with overlapping frequencies, velocities, wave-forms, shapes and whatnot. Continue reading

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# universum tonal – .midi

Ya, okay, I got sidetracked. Actually I got some drafts laying around with topics about other stuff but I can’t really bother myself now to examine and plan the todos and stuff for this. Currently I am browsing a lot within the topic of sonification. There’s a really cool book I found and there’s so much stuff going on in the astronomy world (like EHT) that I really can’t keep track with everything – especially not with my own project. But with the new image of Sagittarius A* I got some inspiration on experimenting on stuff. Continue reading

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# universum tonal – .init

This is the very first entry in the blog for an project currently called “Universum Tonal”. This repository is an experiment to document the development of a concept album with music made from the sounds of the universe. The goal is to extract the radio waves of certain celestial objects convert them into sounds, wave tables and samples which will be used in samplers, mixers and synthesizers to create an eight-track album. Continue reading

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